Astral Project Now


There is a growing interest in astral projection or astral travel. With all the resources available where you can learn more about this one of a kind experience, many are still confused with and end up failing in the different techniques on how to astral travel. Perhaps one of the reasons that many people fail to achieve astral projection is that they make the techniques more difficult than what they exactly are.

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Practitioners of astral travel understand that the key to successful astral projection lies in a person’s ability to keep the body totally relaxed while maintaining a focused consciousness. Any technique on how to astral travel will emphasize the importance of this relaxed yet focused state. As beginners try to achieve this extraordinary state, they tend to fall asleep and end up having a deep and relaxed daydream instead of being able to astral travel.

During this crucial phase, it is important that you are able to stay focused while you keep your body relaxed. To help you better achieve this state, you can try listening to recordings of binaural beats. This is one secret on how to astral travel. Binaural beats are sounds designed to help your consciousness achieve the correct astral travel frequencies and keep its focus.

One must remember that astral travel is not simply the separation of the human conscious from the physical body. Knowing more about how to astral travel will help you understand that achieving this out of the body state is made possible by certain brain wave or astral projection frequencies.

Astral projection is more than a mere lucid dream. To achieve this one of a kind state, one must observe proper techniques on how to astral travel. Knowing certain methods like the rope technique and listening to binaural beats recordings can help you in experiencing this relaxed yet focused phase.